SHOWROOM will be closed from Friday 22nd December until Monday 20th January 2025

Monday - Friday

8.00am - 5.00pm


8.00am - 2.00pm

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Technical Credentials

Mr Swindale has for over 53 years headed organisations specialising in the design, manufacture, marketing and installation of all timber floors including, parquetry & specialised wood floor systems, throughout Australia.

For twenty (20) years, Mr Swindale owned and operated the George Hudson Parquetry Flooring Group throughout Australia, incorporating the following Companies: 

  • George Hudson Parquetry Manufacturers Pty Ltd 
  • George Hudson Parquetry Sales Pty Ltd 
  • George Hudson Parquetry Installations Pty Ltd 

Prior to their sale to the Adsteam Group. 

As Chairman & Managing Director of the largest manufacturer / installer of timber parquet floors in Australia, Mr Swindale has largely been responsible for the widespread marketing, sale and installation of a very broad range of Parquet & Specialty Wood Floor products and systems and has personally had a major influence on the trends in style & design of Wood Flooring in Australia

Mr Swindale has been responsible for the Design and Marketing of new Wood Floor concepts and systems which have been recognised by the awarding of an Australian Design Award.

Mr Swindale is regularly used as a Consultant to Commonwealth and State Departments, Architects, Engineers and Acoustical Engineers and Interior Designers, in the design and formulation of specifications applicable to a wide range of specialised conditions. 

During the past 43 years Mr Swindale has been responsible for the Design, Manufacture, Sale and/or Installation for a great majority of the Parquet and Speciality Wood Floors installed in prime Public Buildings in all States and Territories of Australia. 

Following the sale of the George Hudson Parquet Flooring Group, Mr Swindale then established the following companies which he owns and operates:-

  • Australian Parquet Industries Pty Ltd 
  • Australian Parquet Manufacturing Pty Ltd
  • Thrust Floors International Pty Ltd

Mr Swindale is Chairman and Managing Director of the above Companies in Australia and was responsible for the establishment of these companies operating as Joint Venture Companies in Asia. 

Mr Swindale established the “Air-Thrust” Pneumatic Sports Hall Flooring System in Australia and Asia and has been personally responsible for the installation of over 850 major sporting installations in Australia alone, including the National Stadium – Canberra. 

Mr Swindale has effected major installations in both Asia and the Middle East. 

Mr Swindale has travelled extensively in studying Wood Floor Systems and Methods as used in various parts of the world in particular Europe, Asia, Canada and the U.S.A. and is the author and publisher of the 100 page Architectural Technical Data Catalogue entitled: 

Perfection in Parquet

This technical data catalogue is widely used throughout Australia & New Zealand as the authority of the Parquet & Speciality Wood Floor Industry. This publication is also used by key Engineers, Designers, Architects and other specifiers in other parts of the world. 

Member of the following Professional Bodies & Associations

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